101 Incredible Women CEO’s of Pakistan is a corporate business platform created by Zeeshan Zia Raja especially for women to exchange ideas and share experiences through regular activities with strong focus on member’s engagements and collaborations. This Platforms is, the first of its kind designed especially for rising and reputable women business owners that are committed to their personal and professional growth.

It is an established fact that women have always plays a pivotal role in the balancing the society, so their voices need to be heard equally. Therefore, this platform provides golden opportunity to the corporate women to establish their credibility and recognition in the market by going one step ahead. The major objectives of this platform are to polish and encourage women’s imaginative talent at its fullest through:

. Eliminating the self-limiting beliefs that are blocking their progress and potential

. Formulating a strong strategy, infrastructure and implementing promising processes to maintain a scalable business.

. Expanding the business through leveraging collective wisdom to navigate difficult challenges, accelerate further, to attain sustainable commerce success.

  • Obtain access to the best cooperate resources and experts’ insights to build your dream industry.

  • Connecting the privileged business women to move to the next level.
  • Provision of structured accountability system that will ensure continuous movement towards clearly defined measurable goals.

101 Incredible Women CEO’s of Pakistan entrepreneur mission is to recognize, inspire and celebrate the success of influential women corporate executive across Pakistan and to advance further current and future women entrepreneur. In addition, to bring together business women of diverse occupations for the provision of vast opportunities to help themselves and others to grow in-person and professionally through business networking support along with National/International acknowledgement.

The Vision is to serve, support, appreciate & Promote the Artists & Entrepreneurs to achieve their entrepreneur and artistic dreams and to seek opportunities for an enterprise creation, especially our women.

The 101 Incredible Women of Pakistan used to organize exciting recreational, cultural events and prestigious awrds like “Fatima Jinnah National Pride Award 2021”, “The Sadequain Pride of Performance Award, 2021”, “Fashion Extravaganza cum Incredible Women Magazine Launch” etc to homage & to honor the services rendered by our renowned people in various fields of excellence. 101 intend to appreciate and applaud our Heroes in the real letter and spirit that they truly deserved.

Core Objectives

  • Networking opportunities to exchange expertise and industry trends.
  • Build business relationship globally.

Access to receive firsthand information on country market insights through our advisory board

member connections.

  • Strengthening the personal brand and industry signature. Learning new, innovative models and

best practices.

Another primary objective of this podium is to sponsor women’s imaginative talent to their fullest extent and for economic and social reasons, 101 need to have more women entrepreneurs contributing their state-of- the- art ideas to solving problems that they face, now and in the future.

101 Offers:

  • Aspirational Content
  • CEO Interviews / Experts Advisory
  • Success Stories
  • Entrepreneurship Opportunity
  • Privilege Card
  • Seminars
  • Social Media Support Legal Advisory

Furthermore, millions of women of all ages are unemployed or under-employed, and also because of new ways of working, they may have little or no hope for ever-finding paid working positions. It is only through starting their own business that they may be able to earn a decent living, to take part in society, contributing share to economic development and prosperity.


Dr. Sundus

Dr. Sundus is a Media Professional; a Journalist/TV & Radio Broadcaster and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mass Communication, NUST; she has work experience in Electronic, Print, and Web Media, she has been serving Magazine Journalism since 2006, and Ph.D. in Strategic Communication from University Utara Malaysia.

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