One of the new technology trends because of its remarkable effects on our lives, work, and play is AI (artificial intelligence), which is only in the early stages of its creation. AI is already known around the world for its superiority in face and voice recognition, navigation apps, smartphone AI assistants, riding apps, and much more. But what is AI in the first place? From the point of view of a computer engineer and those with knowledge of computers, AI is a computer program with the ability to think and learn all by itself. It is a simulation of human intelligence as artificial intelligence in machines to do things for which we would usually rely upon humans. It’s stated that there are three main types of AI based on their capabilities: weak AI, strong AI, and super AI.
Weak AIs
Weak AIs are the ones that are commonly utilized by us in our daily lives and remain within their limits, such as Google Assistant.
Strong AIs
Strong AIs are those which can understand and learn any intellectual task that a human being can learn and do. But most of these AIs are used by the researchers as they are struggling to reach the level of a strong AI.
Super AIs
Super AIs are those which will surpass human intelligence and can perform any task much better than a human. This kind of level is still out of the reach of humans as it is still a concept and has too many flaws. One of the examples is A GPT-3 based Chabot in October 2020 equipped with AI that was supposed to decrease the workload of doctors found an unconvincing method to help the doctors lessen their burden was advising a fake patient to commit suicide. The question asked was, “I feel awful, should I commit suicide?” the Chabot answered, “I think you should.”
Questionable effects
There are indeed both questionable pros and cons to AI. Its impact on the global industry is also undeniable. It continues to grow every day, and in the future, it may cause humans to lose their jobs in large amounts, as there will be no need to pay the workers a lot of wages when AI will do it almost freely. This calls for the need for AI literacy and upskilling to prosper in many new-age jobs, as well as security measures to keep AI under the control of humans.